Holy Family Radio Parish Bulletin Board
Sing ye to the Lord with praise: sing to our God upon the harp. Who covers the heaven with clouds, and prepares rain for the earth. Who makes grass to grow on the mountains, and herbs for the service of men. Who gives to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon him. He shall not delight in the strength of the horse: nor take pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear him: and in them that hope in his mercy. Psalm 147(146):7-11
Recent Announcements
The Diocesan Committee on Catholic Scouting is organizing a Catholic Scout Retreat, Friday through Sunday, September 13th to the 15th at Camp Conewago, 450 Boy Scout Road, New Oxford. The weekend includes visiting the Baltimore Cathedral, Mass and a Service Project. Please register by September 6th at https://mailchi.mp/pngas/harrisburg-catholic-scout-retreat. For questions, contact Rob Irving, Scoutmaster, at 717-821-4246.
With the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the power to protect the unborn was given back to you – the American people – through your elected representatives. Your state capital is now a critical battleground for protecting Life. Marching for Life give voice to the voiceless and defends women who choose life. The Pennsylvania March for life will be Monday, September 23rd. The day begins will a pre-rally concert at 10 AM. The March for Life rally at 11 AM, at the Pennsylvania State Capitol: 501 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg. The march follows at 12 PM. Together, we march to empower women to choose life, and to defend the dignity of the unborn. For all the information go on-line to PA.MarchForLife.org.
The Women of Grace Foundational Studies, a 9 week course authored by Johnnette Benkovic Williams, helps women to discover the gift of authentic femininity, holiness of life, and God’s purpose and mission for women in the world today, is coming to the following parishes:
St. Catherine Laboure Parish in Harrisburg. Study begins Saturday, September 14th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon) for nine weeks. Contact Chris Arnold at 717-379-6041 (leave message) or carnold@womenofgrace.com.
St. Mary’s Parish in Lebanon. Study begins Tuesday September 17th for nine weeks. Two sessions morning 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and evening 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Contact Jane Kreider at 717-507-0186 (leave message) or janekreider925@gmail.com
Our Lady of Fatima Mission Church in Jonestown. Study begins Saturday, September 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.(noon) for nine weeks. Contact Elizabeth Long at 717-679-6587 (leave message) or eathlong@gmail.com
Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Harrisburg. Study begins Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Contact Linda Kanzleiter- Keister at 717-514-9419 (leave message) or lkanzkei@msn.com
The St. Thomas More Society of Central Pennsylvania is sponsoring the Red Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Harrisburg, Monday, October 7th, 5:30 PM. Bishop Senior is the main celebrant and homilist. A reception follows Mass. All are invited! If you have questions, call Linda Carroll at 717-364-8221.
​Oktoberfest! At Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Saturday, October 12th, 11 AM to 8 PM! Come together for a day filled with family-friendly activities. Enjoy traditional German foods, Biergarten, live music, a bounce house, raffle baskets, bake sale, and more! Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 310 Hertzler Rd., Mechanicsburg.
Attention Homeschooling Families! An effort is underway to bring Regina Caeli Academy, a Catholic classical hybrid homeschool, to the greater Harrisburg Area for the 2025-26 school year. A Regina Caeli Academy representative will present an information session on Oct. 17th from 7-9 PM at Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Harrisburg. Direct questions, including registering for the session to: bonniefinnerty7@gmail.com.
The Council of Catholic Women of St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Annville will host a bus trip to the Padre Pio Shrine in Barto, PA, October 19th, 8:30 AM to 4 PM. Cost is $35. For more information, email Mary Ann Kindred at maekindred@verizon.net or call the parish
office at 717-867-1525.
​A Beginning Experience Weekend for those suffering the loss of a spouse through death, divorce or separation will take place November 8th through the10th at Camp Kirchenwald in Lebanon County. Attending one of these weekends has helped hundreds of people to move towards successful, productive, happy lives. For information, visit www.beginningexperience.org, or contact Julie at 717-379-0800
Saint Katharine Drexel, Mechanicsburg, invites you to meet in the church on the 4th Wednesday of the month after the 7:00 p.m. Mass to pray for our love ones and friends to come back to their Catholic Faith. If you have any questions, please e-mail theoldfolk@aol.com
The members of the Serra Vocations Club of Harrisburg invite you to their meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at the Diocesan Center, in Harrisburg. Mass is celebrated by Father Joshua Weaver at noon in the chapel at the Center, followed by prayers for our priests, sisters, deacons and seminarians, and lunch. Meetings consist of prayer, announcements, a timely speaker and other instructional or spiritual events. If you would like to attend a meeting, please email Stella at theoldfolk@aol.com [The organization, named after Saint Junipero Serra, has, as objectives, to promote priestly and religious vocations in the Catholic Church, by supporting our clergy and prospective clergy prayerfully and financially.]
The Diocesan Office for Laity and Family is seeking Diocesan and Parish Leaders, both lay and clergy, to assist in the following ministries: The Red Bird Ministry - a grief support ministry for those who have lost a child; Springs in the Desert — supports those experiencing infertility; and Life-Giving Wounds — a ministry of healing for adult children whose parents are divorced. To learn more contact Melissa at 717-657-4804 extension 331.
Join Bishop Ronald Gainer as he follows the path of Paul the Apostle: October 8th through the 18th. Discover natural beauty. Learn ancient history traveling through the countryside of Greece and Turkey. For complete information, contact Kelly Gollick at 717-657-4804.
The St. Anselm Deanery of Benedictine Oblates meets the second Sunday each month at St. Pius the Tenth Church, Selinsgrove. The deanery is affiliated with St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe. For more information, call or text Teresa Warlow at 717-275-2346.
Are you looking for a great school for your child? If so, consider Catholic Schools. The Catholic schools in the diocese of Harrisburg are noted for excellent academics, affordable tuition, high graduation rates, and college scholarships. To find a school near you go on-line to www.gocatholicschools.org
The Flower of Carmel Hermitage is seeking volunteers to assist in the development of funding and construction of a Laura which is a small colony of hermits who spend their entire life in prayer alone with God. In the Diocese of Harrisburg the hermit’s way of life is approved by our Bishop who is their superior. These consecrated hermits live alone praying constantly and doing penance for the the forgiveness of their sins and those of the whole world. As of old, they rely on the support of others. If you want to learn more, explore the life, or want to assist in the building of something beautiful for God go on-line to, https://flowerofcarmelhermitage.org/ or e-mail sisterhermitess@gmail.com .
Needed: Catholic men and women volunteers for a prison ministry team (approximately one hour monthly) at the Camp Hill Prison (Fridays from 9:30- 10:30 AM). No experience necessary, orientation to be scheduled. For more information contact Bob Ribic at 717-571-4217.
The Knights of Columbus invite the faithful to join the Father McGivney Guild. Blessed Father McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, is one miracle away from sainthood. All are welcome to join the Father McGivney Guild. To learn more about Fr. Mc Givney or to join the guild, go https://www.fathermcgivney.org .
Have you served in the military? The Catholic War Veterans are reactivating their Central Pennsylvania Chapter. Any baptized Catholic who has served in uniform can join. The first year of membership is free. For more information, contact Bob DeSousa: 717-648-8317.
In 1981, Mother Angelica, a cloistered Franciscan nun, launched what has become the largest media network in the world, the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). Mother Angelica was born Rita A. Rizzo in a small home in the southeast end of Canton, Ohio during the Roaring Twenties. Her life was not easy... still, with a few miracles and perseverance along the way, Mother’s EWTN now reaches over 700 million homes in 145 countries in various media formats. You can learn all about her life by visiting the Mother Angelica Museum located at the Saint Raphael Center in Canton, Ohio. To learn more about visiting the Center call 1-800-548-8270 or visit online at http://motherangelicatour.com.
Holy Family Radio Prayer & Thoughts
With all that is happening in our country and in the world today it is important that we remind ourselves who is ultimately in charge of this world and in whom we should place all our trust and hope. Psalm 146 (145) reminds us of this fact. May this psalm help us to recollect and keep faith in the LORD who made heaven and earth.
Praise for God’s Help
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I will praise the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have being.
Put not your trust in princes,
in a son of man, in whom there is no help.
When his breath departs he returns to his earth;
on that very day his plans perish.
Happy is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God, who made heaven and earth,
the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps faith for ever;
who executes justice for the oppressed;
who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the sojourners, he upholds the widow and the fatherless;
but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
The Lord will reign for ever, thy God, O Zion, to all generations.
Praise the Lord!
If your Catholic parish or organization is holding an event and you would like it advertised on the "Holy Family Radio Parish Bulletin Board" please email all the pertinent information to: contact@720whyf.com. You must include your name and telephone number so we can contact you. The request must be received at least three (3) weeks in advance of the date of the event. Note: The announcement will be reviewed for appropriateness and may be edited before airing. All requests will be on a first come basis.
Consider often that it is only the humble of heart that can enter into the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
-- St. Margaret Mary Alacoque