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Listener-Supported Catholic Radio

News & Updates
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FaithfulGive is a local generosity event happening over three days from Sunday, October 20 to Tuesday, October 22, 2024. FaithfulGive is helping to connect people who desire to love like Jesus, give in joy, and share one another's burdens through prayer and service.

Holy Family Radio is happy to be a part of this exciting opportunity.

 During October 20-22, your dollar can be stretched when you participate in FaithfulGive. FaithfulGive is an organization that was created to provide a giving channel that is aligned to Christian values. For charities that are participating, there is a stretch fund that will be split according to the amount each charity raises. The more funds we can raise, the bigger the share of the stretch fund and prizes that we can be awarded. Simply use the link below and be generous as you donate.

100% of your donation will go directly to Holy Family Radio PLUS we will get funds from the shared fund.

Giving through FaithfulGive multiplies your donation!


October Pledge Drive: BE A SAINT

Saints for Holy Family Radio?

YES! There are saints among us because “we were all born to be saints!” This was Mother Angelica’s message throughout her many years of broadcasts on EWTN.

Can we be saints for Holy Family Radio? YES WE CAN! When Jesus walked the earth, He said that we are all to be disciples and spread God’s Word to everyone. As individuals, it is hard to go out and evangelize. But Holy Family Radio does this every day through outstanding programs that share the Word of God with the people of our Diocese and beyond.

And how do they do this? With the help of YOU - - our “unsung saints,” our listeners who have responded to our calls for financial help to spread God’s Word. Throughout the years you have been most generous in helping us to be successful in our mission. This station has grown because of your assistance.

The times we currently live in have changed. The covid shutdown events of 2020 affected us as it did all non-profits. Our monthy donors have continued to help us but donations in general are lower than they had been in the past. A number of regular donors have moved from the area. We have had some major equipment breakdowns. Even though a few people came forward to help, the daily need for funds continue.

The month of October is the month of Saints for Holy Family Radio. You can select a date to be a saint and send in your donation. An envelope has been provided or you can go online at to donate. We are very grateful for your continued support!

May God abundantly bless you for being a Holy Family Radio Saint!

Please note - - a regular donor has offered to give fifty dollars for each thousand dollars that we raise. COME ON SAINTS – WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU!

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Simple Yes is a 30-minute show hosted by Melanie Rossi and Jess Wolfe. Join them as they e

Attention Homeschooling Families! An effort is underway to bring Regina Caeli Academy, a Catholic classical homeschool hybrid school, to the greater Harrisburg Area for the 2025-26 school year. A representative from the national expansion team will present an information session on Oct. 17 from 7-9 pm in St. Bernadine Hall at Holy Name of Jesus. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about Regina Caeli and ask questions.  Location of the school, which is in session on Mondays and Thursdays, will be predicated on the families committed to attending. 

Questions can be directed to

We NEVER share your email address with anyone! 
We are very concerned with
the privacy of our listeners. 

Here is Joe Nebistinsky, Station Manager with Donna Anderson of OLP, producer of 50+ and Women's Expos at recent event in Lancaster.


Abortions are up in Pennsylvania. Statistics from the PA Dept. of Health show that 34,838 abortions occurred in Pennsylvania in 2022, the latest year for which statistics are available. The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation has an ambitious plan to stop the abortion crisis in our Commonwealth. Please join us in our efforts by visiting our new website: www.PAPROLIFE.ORG

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Do you own a business?

We have a variety of options for your business to support Holy Family Radio. In accordance with FCC regulations, we are able to produce on-air announcements thanking our supporters. We are also looking for sponsors for our podcasts.


Please contact our Community Relations Coordinator Russ Fry at

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Did you know that the Diocese of Harrisburg has hermits?


For more information, use the link below.


Knights of Columbus




Are you in need of prayer? Are you lonely or overwhelmed? The National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has a Prayer Line available with staff who will speak with and pray with you. Your prayer intentions may be placed on the tomb of Mother Seton. Call them toll-free at 1-866-202-4934, Monday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm. They are here for you. 

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Proud member of:

WHYF is a Media Partner with On-Line Publishers. They produce the 50Plus and Women's Expos. This year Holy Family is pleased to attend 11 of their events. We want to encourage you to join us at these outstanding events. Please use the links below for more information.

Holy Family Radio is a proud Media Partner with the Susquehanna Chorale. The Susquehanna Chorale is  a premier choral ensemble in South Central Pennsylvania. They enjoy a national presence through live performance, recordings, and its educational choirs and programs, with a focus on choral beauty and artistic interpretation of the highest caliber.

Please support live music in our area!

Do you get our
Monthly Newsletter?

Each month we send out our e-Newsletter, HOLY FAMILY RADIO MATTERS. If you would like to receive this FREE newsletter, just send us an email and we will put you on the list. We promise we will not overload your mailbox with emails. We also promise that we will not share your email address with anyone.

Use this link.

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Shanthi Dham (Abode of Peace) is a Fransalian (Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales) initiative in Mysuru, Karnataka, South India, inspired by the life of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who found Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor and served Him in the poorest of the poor, the unwanted, homeless, orphans, lepers, neglected and unloved people.

We rejoice that work is underway! Construction of Shanthi Dham began in February 2024; we are grateful to be able to share the progress since then with you. Please click the logo on the lef for more information.


It is the policy of the Holy Family Radio, Inc. to provide equal employment opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment without regard to age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin or disability as defined and required by law.

Holy Family Radio, Inc. is a lay apostolate of Catholics in communion with the Holy Father and the Magisterium, placing ourselves in the hands of the Holy Family - Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Through the inspiration of Saint Maximilian Kolbe and all the saints and martyrs, we will use our gifts and talents to actively work through these radio broadcasts to make known the Good News of Jesus Christ, for the honor and glory of God and the salvation of souls. Embracing the call of Vatican II for lay evangelization through the power of the media, we at Holy Family Radio, Inc., intend to utilize radio broadcasts to provide, through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Truth of the Holy Catholic Church for the nourishment of our Catholic Family and to share our Faith with others.

"Is it possible that our enemies must be so active as to have the upper hand, while we remain passive, limiting ourselves to some prayer? Do we not perhaps have more powerful arms, the protection of heaven and of the Immaculate Virgin... the conqueror and destroyer of heresies who will never yield to the enemy who raises his head." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

"...but the Word of God remains forever." 1 Peter 1:25

Contact Us

Holy Family Radio, Inc. 

P.O. Box 6028 

Lancaster, PA 17607-6028

Our Studios

WHYF Broadcast Center

8 West Main Street
Shiremanstown, PA 17011

Phone: 717.525.8110

©2024 Holy Family Radio, Inc

©2023 Holy Family Radio, Inc. Created by

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